Hand-Woven Over-Sized Scarves

These scarves were woven especially for Ballintotas Alpacas using the fibre of our alpacas. Fibre is shorn, skirted, and sorted on the farm before sending to the mill. A natural coloured warp is the background for a weft of a variety of colours - some natural, some dyed. The variety of colour and pattern is stunning as is the over-sized, cozy-up coverage!

80% alpaca, 20% fine merino

10" X 84"


Do not put alpaca in hot water, agitate it, or dry in a dryer or on a heat source.

Soak in room temperature water with gentle detergent or shampoo for 30 minutes, rinse, gently squeeze away excess water, and lay flat to dry.

Wipe soiled area with a damp cloth free from soap, and allow it to air dry. Gently brush fur when dry and shake to fluff.