Children's Heavy-Weight Hand-Knit Slouch Socks

These heavy-weight hand-knit socks were especially made for 'cozying up' around the house. These socks are hand-knit for Ballintotas Alpacas by Cathy Brown. Just like Grandma used to make! Also known as bed socks, these socks are so luscious and heavy that they will not fit into regular footwear. No more complaints of cold feet in bed with these. Come by the store to pick out the perfect pair.

Do not put alpaca in hot water, agitate it, or dry in a dryer or on a heat source.

Soak in room temperature water with gentle detergent or shampoo for 30 minutes, rinse, gently squeeze away excess water, and lay flat to dry.

Wipe soiled area with a damp cloth free from soap, and allow it to air dry. Gently brush fur when dry and shake to fluff.