This homegrown throw is 80% Alpaca, 20% Fine Merino and 100% Canadian-made. It features a stunning weave pattern that focuses on fawn, but successfully incorporates three additional natural alpaca shades to make this a 'can't go wrong' compliment to any colour scheme.
70" X 38"
At its higher weight, this item is not part of our online shopping collection, but if you're interested in purchasing it, simply email us (including your address) and we'll provide a shipping quote.
Do not put alpaca in hot water, agitate it, or dry in a dryer or on a heat source.
Soak in room temperature water with gentle detergent or shampoo for 30 minutes, rinse, gently squeeze away excess water, and lay flat to dry.
Wipe soiled area with a damp cloth free from soap, and allow it to air dry. Gently brush fur when dry and shake to fluff.