Hand-Crafted Alpaca Hat

These adult hats are homegrown and hand-knit or hand-crocheted on the farm using fibre from our alpacas. They're toasty warm and cozy, and each one is unique. Pom poms can easily be removed for cleaning or to change the look of the hat.

Due to the variable hand-sizing, these hats are best viewed in-store or at one of our seasonal craft shows.


Do not put alpaca in hot water, agitate it, or dry in a dryer or on a heat source.

Soak in room temperature water with gentle detergent or shampoo for 30 minutes, rinse, gently squeeze away excess water, and lay flat to dry.

Wipe soiled area with a damp cloth free from soap, and allow it to air dry. Gently brush fur when dry and shake to fluff.